Friday, May 29, 2009

flying bitchslaps

Ok, so I am a little late with my shit that doesn't suck, sorry, but since I am already 24 hours past due, before I get into it, a little something that does suck: waiting 4 hours for a bus. So, I don't actually KNOW if the person waited 4 hours, for all I know he could have waited even longer...he may have not been waiting at all, just chillin' at the bus stop cuz he had nothing better to do, but it perplexed me so I am gonna share.

After I dropped off the Pea at school, I headed to the library. I checked out two books...I will have to change the what I am reading now...and then left to go get coffee. Sitting at the light to leave the library I noticed a dude at the bus stop...I noticed him because he had a crazy outfit, dreadlocks, and a floppy hat. I then went to DD, had breakfast and coffee, read a few chapters of one of the books I checked out...left DD, talked to Smash while I drove to TJ Maxx and then for a good half hour sitting in the parking lot...went inside, bought a tank and two t-shirts...left there and hit a few other stores...another DD for another coffee, and then home. All of that took a good 4 hours and on the way home: the dude with the dreads and floppy hat was STILL at the bus stop. He had been standing the first time I saw him, the second time he was sitting. At what point do you give up and say "f*ck it, clearly the bus I want is not coming today" or do you not, because at any moment your bus could come and if you leave UNDOUBTEDLY it will come right after? Anyway, he seemed awfully dejected when I passed the second time and it got me thinking about waiting...waiting sucks...then again, maybe he was a stoner and just didn't notice when the bus came and was having his own private party at the bus stop and couldn't care less. I dunno...

Now...some shit that doesn't suck:

Got this as an email FWD, and in the subject box "because someone you know needs one"
thanks JD... ...yes, yes indeed, someone I know DOES need one...don't we all know someone we would love to flying bitchslap?

I'm a sucker for anything aviation related, combine that with WTF? love it...

A new favorite website, and the article that brought me to it, via TheFrisky:
J(Preston) is great...move over John DeVore (aka "hot writer man") I have a new writer man crush...

Ok, last but not least...tried this wine the other night cuz I liked the is my new favorite (cheap) Cab...decided to do a little research so I could put it on the blog and discovered a very cool website, here are both:

Alrighty to read my book and have a glass of wine...wish I could flying bitchslap someone, but at least I don't have to go anywhere on a bus.

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