Saturday, August 20, 2011


A month!! It has been a damn month since I was able to get online and write. here is the skinny:

I got home from a crazy, fun filled (or not) loud weekend with my family and The Boy and immediately upon getting home, jumped on the computer. Well a few notices for updates popped up and my virus scan was busy so I went ahead with the updates and got busy doing something else. Fast forward to later that night, sign on to blogger and NOTHING...error. WTF, ok, whatever, they are having issues, going to bed.

The next day...same thing. Huh? Restart, sign in, still more problems, clearly that update effed up the computer...aggghhhhhhh.

Every night (or so) for the next week and a half I get on the damn thing and do everything I know to do to get it working. Cookies were deleted, programs were uninstalled and reinstalled, sign in, sign out, shut down, restart, help, tech support "Halloo my neme is Rom, hoo can elp you? No soory I no understand..." I am ready to throw it out the bedroom window and jump up and down clapping as it sails down to the driveway and shatters into a million pieces when the Pea says "MOMMY! You are ALWAYS on the computer, stop working and pay me some attention!" The computer has been off since then.

Well, the Pea is with her dad, I have figured out that Safari likes Blogger, and now I like Safari too (to hell with internet explorer) and here I am...

So, what is new?

Everything and nothing. It seems like life is crazy, and yet nothing ever changes...I am like a hamster running on a wheel and I want to get off, but I can't stop or slow down cuz it will upset the whole balance and quite possibly throw me off.

As a result of all the chaos I have had the overwhelming urge to clear out, get organized, and maybe? regain control. I am starting with my closet and hoping that by getting rid of the old, ugly, too small, and too big, I will feel less overwhelmed and claustrophobic. Ever feel like you just have too much stuff and it's weighing you down?

After the closet I will move on to the Pea's room. With her 100 miles away I might actually be able to get rid of something (or many, many, many somethings, fingers crossed) without hearing "NOOOOOO mommy, you CAN'T throw that away, I LOOOVE IT, it is my FAVORITE. TOY. EV-ER!"

Next will come the baskets of paperwork, bills, magazines, invitations for things already over (oops), expiration notices, phone numbers written on scraps of paper, craft projects that I HAD to keep even though I have about three thousand too many macaroni and bead "what is this again?" doodads, cards that I bought that never got sent, coupons I meant to use that are now expired, flyers for events that I meant to attend, recipes...etc, etc.

Last, but probably most important, will be my computer. I am pretty sure I don't care that someone I went to high school with, that I barely knew or cared about then, just scored 1000 bedazzled points...I also don't care to see the cleavage of some girl in a fuzzy picture taken at a bar by some other person I dated briefly and no longer give a shit about.

Seems like everyone professes to believe in quality over quantity but then proves otherwise in their day to day. I can't tell you how many shirts I have bought because they were a "good deal", that now hang in my closet because after I wore them once and washed them they looked like crap. My Brooks Brothers shirts on the other hand I have had for years and wear over and over...why don't I just buy Brooks Brothers now? Because then I would only be able to buy one shirt and doesn't it feel so much better to come home with a bag full? If I calculated out what each one costs per wear I would probably kick myself...that $10 shirt cost me $10 per wear, the BB probably pennies. It is time to clear out the quantity and invest in only quality from now on, and not just in shirts.

I don't need 400 "friends", but I do need to reconnect with the ones I really care about and want to maintain a relationship with. My daughter doesn't need 800 crappy little dollar store toys, but that Pooh bear that has now been through 6 years, and she loves like a sister, could be picked up off the floor and given a nice clean shelf to sit on. And maybe, If I had a better system for mail when it came in the house I wouldn't forget to send those birthday and thank you cards and the people who deserve to get them would know that I was thinking about them and grateful.

Wonder what else I have in my life that I would better off without?

I'm off to find out, have a happy weekend!