Thursday, September 29, 2011

moving on

The Break Up Guide has disappeared off of the Frisky. I’m not sure if they are having technical difficulties or they just decided it was old news and have moved on, but I can’t get to it, so I am not sure what I am supposed to be doing. I THINK it is watch a movie with a kick ass female role. Yesterday was Call Your Dad. The only other ones I remember are: Masturbate and Move On.

I think I will just lump all of them together and consider this the last day. I don’t know that I will have time to watch a movie, but I AM going to go watch a senior cheerleading competition tonight. I think watching real women, over the age of 55, get out there and compete, in of all things cheerleading, is pretty kick ass…then I will find BOB…then I will go to bed, and start fresh tomorrow.

I have washed my hands of the old relationship and I am ready to move on. I MAY be moving on with The Boy, but I won’t be going BACK. The relationship I ended almost a month ago is done, and it’s for the best. If we can start over, be better people, and better to each other, than great, but neither one of us wants to just settle back into old routines, or old habits.

Over the last month I have established, and stuck to, a really good routine with the Pea, and we both have benefited. I have started taking yoga again and am feeling strong and grounded. I have stopped worrying so much, started writing more, and am laughing again (both at myself, and this crazy world I live in) and if it took my relationship imploding to force me to do all that, than it obviously needed to happen.

Where I go from here is anyone’s guess, but I’m excited to see how it unfolds, and will keep you all posted.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

a squirrel, a bat, and a crack pipe

Well yesterday was fix something, and today was cook dinner...I did neither.  There is a part of me completely over the whole break-up guide and keeping it going is just giving me one more thing to do on my way too long to do list.  There is another part of me that feels like I need to keep on keepin' on, because I need to force some space between me and The Boy.  We have been talking a lot lately, spending some time together, and talking about a future back together.  Everyone, except us, seems to be against the idea, so I am trying hard to take a step back and make sure that if I jump back in it is because it is the right thing to do, and not because I am lonely [horny] or feeling fat [old] and scared of dying alone with a hundred cats.

So switching gears a bit...squirrel!  Did ya read the story about the kindergartner who brought a crack pipe and some meth to school for show and tell?  Guess mama didn't read the 2 page rule sheet that got sent home regarding show and tell...silly woman.  Thought I would re-run this oldie...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

rabid bats

So you know those news headlines that pop up when you sign online? You can click on them to read the whole story...well this morning one of them caught my eye "Mom brings rabid bat to school." I read the story...turns out mom decided a dead rabid bat would be the perfect thing to bring in for show and tell...why of course! Long story short all 90 kids who touched the damn thing have to get a rabies series at a cost - to the school - of $70k...ooopsie. Got me thinkin'...what else should one NOT bring in to school for show and would think these would be common sense, but then again...

Dead rabid bunnies, dogs, cats, mice...oh you name it, pretty much any dead animal, probably not a good idea...come to think of it, LIVE rabid animals also NOT a good idea.

Poisonous snakes, like rattlers, copperheads, water moccasins, coral snakes...poisonous spiders too, especially in open containers, those little suckers tend to be quick and can get away from you before you know it.

Shotguns, pistols...weapons in general, although you might could get away with a stun gun...flame throwers and anti-aircraft missiles are especially cumbersome and would just be a pain.

Chemicals, nuclear waste, toxic/hazardous materials...these have to be marked and identified in very specific ways which is just a drag AND they can be stinky and tend to be stinky and messy enough on their own.

Think that covers most of the biggies, OH, and razor blades, broken glass, heroin, porn...well you can bring the porn, but only for the teachers.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

ladies day out

Day 15: Host a Ladies Only Night. 

Does going out to eat with my kiddo, who is a little lady, and then crashing at 9pm count?  Cuz that is what I did last night.  We got up nice and early this morning though and cruised into Washington, scored a killer parking spot right in front of the Museum of Natural History, and spent the first part of the day wandering.  Just as I wanted to, I let the Pea take charge, take pictures, and lead the way.  Yes, we did a lot of backtracking; yes, we missed some of the exhibits; yes, the cafe served wine, but turned out I didn't need it...I rather enjoyed our little adventure.

Here are some of her pictures:

Took her a few to get the hang of it, but I think she did pretty good.  I didn't include the 20 or so of me driving, the 15 or so fuzzy dark ones of what I am not sure, or the 3 of my butt.

Today is supposed to be sign up for a class.  I don't think I need to spend any more time away from the Pea than I already do, so not gonna, BUT, I will be taking a yoga class every week now, so let's just count that and move on.

Friday, September 23, 2011


A few lessons for the day:

1) Feel your boobies, then get someone else to feel your boobies.  I missed a lump, luckily, during my annual grope and feel (aka annual exam), my doctor found it.  Now I get to go get a squish and flatten (aka mammogram) which I am not looking forward to, but is obviously necessary.  I, clearly, was not thorough enough, because as soon as she felt it, I did too, but somehow yesterday, I missed it...I suspect I am not the only one who has done this, so I guess it is safe to say you can't have too many people feeling your boobies.

2) Chatting up little girls is really quite fun.  This was my assignment for the day via the Frisky and since I have the pleasure of chatting up the Pea on a regular basis I tried to change things up a bit and ask questions I normally wouldn't have, and listen better than I normally do.  She is a riot.  We did a lot of driving today and for most of it she talked.  I found out you can keep a cow in a cardboard box, as long as it is in the back of a pick-up truck; pink is the best color, even though it isn't in the rainbow; you can't have flowers or rainbows without rain, and umbrellas are fun, so rainy days are AWESOME (I won't ever bitch about the rain again); powdered doughnuts, because they are messier, are better than pumpkin doughnuts (I disagree); doctor's offices are fun (again, I disagree) and we need to have more adventures (on this one I agree, wholeheartedly).

3) Sometimes just hearing about someone else's job makes you LOVE yours.  I don't make a lot of money, I don't have any prestige, I am not using my degree, and I don't cure or save people.  I am OK with it...why?  Because I have ZERO stress, the people I work with appreciate me (or at least seem too), I make enough money that I am comfortable, and most importantly: it affords me the time I need to take care of myself and the Pea.  Do I wish I was independently wealthy and could be at home all day every day? YES, however, as far as jobs go, since I do need one, I can't complain.

The Pea and I are going on an adventure this weekend...remember how I said we were going to the museum?  Well, why go to the local one when you can go to The Smithsonian?  Baby girl wants adventure, Mama wants out of town, Booya to the rescue.  He needs a ride to Virginia, I have a car, why the hell not?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

12 & 13

Day 12: Embrace your inner girly girl

The Frisky suggests doing this by wearing pink.  Ok, well, yesterday was day 12, and I forgot to wear pink; I decided to change day 12 to "Embrace your girly GIRLS" and give myself an exam.  I have been rather slack about feeling my boobies lately, and with October approaching, and the whole pink thing, I think it fits the bill.  No lumps, whew, but to all you reading: FEEL YOUR BOOBIES...and while you are at it, take a look at your skin too.  Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the US...breast cancer is the most common among women, and while lung cancer is the most deadly, there isn't a self exam for that one.

Day 13: Write a letter to your best friend.

If I rally and get off this computer I will write Smash, if I don't, I will do it over the weekend. I wanted to quote the Frisky on this one though, because I couldn't have said it better:

Buy an actual stamp, and put the addressed envelope into an actual mailbox. You’ll be bawling into five separate Kleenexes by the end of this exercise, but you’ll also have a handle on the ingredients for the glue that holds a good relationship together. Gentleness. Trust. Unconditional love. Honesty. Forgiveness...Why expect less out of your lover than you do a best friend? Sit with that thought for a moment.

It took Smash and I awhile to develop the relationship we do now.  There was some trial and error, a few hiccups along the way, but now we have a fantastic relationship, and it does indeed have those 5 ingedients.

The Boy and I have been talking some, and despite having said initially I would NEVER give him another chance, there is a voice inside my head saying "never say never."  I will take the above to heart as we proceed forward, starting with forgiveness, working on the gentleness and trust, and not accepting anything other than honesty and unconditional love.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

pixie dust

Start a “Go to Hell” Fund

A “go to hell” fund (as often referenced in the personal finance blogosphere) is a nice nest egg of quick cash that’s at your disposal in case you want to, for example, quit a job you hate, get out of a terrible roommate situation, or relocate due to a relationship gone bad (ahem). It’s also known as a “freedom fund”—freedom to leave a situation if you need to or escape anyone who’s screwing you over. Having four to six months’ worth of living expenses at your disposal is ideal.

Welllll, lucky for me, after going through a yucko divorce and AT THE SAME TIME yucko job loss (that was NOT a good year) and depleting all my funds and feeling completely helpless, the very FIRST thing I did when I got back on my feet was start a savings account and start drafting money into that account every other week.  My "go to hell fund" is actually pretty fat right now, or rather, it WAS...tee hee.  Why go to hell when you can go to the happiest place on earth?  That's right...using the fund to go to Disney...every year until the Pea refuses to go along.  Disney is now a line item in my budget and I intend to keep it that way.  I know the mouse doesn't need my money, but I need the magic, and I need something to look forward to.  The Pea and I also need a tradition.  Since holidays are split with DH and alternate from year to year, and we don't have a family lake house or anything that we go to, we need something.  Traditions are important, they are comforting, and they make you feel like a kid again when you get older.

I don't need to fund my freedom, I already have it (and I paid for it, in full) what I need is happy memories, time with my kiddo, and a little bit of pixie dust...and like freedom, pixie dust aint cheap.  

Monday, September 19, 2011


 day 10: Stop watching crap reality TV and change your perspective by taking in some art.

Well, all good in theory, and I DO have my TV off, even though I REEEAAAALY want to watch that episode of The Real Housewives that is in my DVR, but the art museum here is open from 10-5...what am I doing from 10-5?  Working.  Yeah, I would love to scamper off to a museum and chill a bit while looking at great art...

pause for a sec to look at one of my favorite pieces:

...but I can't, because baby girl needs shoes, and clothes, and a roof over her head, and food, and trips to Disney World, and I couldn't exactly provide all that if I were hanging out in museums instead of at my desk.  So what's a girl to do?  Nothing.  Nothing today anyway, but I think I have a plan for Saturday now.  The Pea and I are going to go to the museum, and I am going to challenge myself to follow her lead, and see it from HER perspective. 

I have a tendency of planning everything I do for the sake of efficiency.  If I go anywhere...the mall, Target, a museum, a theme park...I am essentially on a mission.  I hate backtracking, I always go counterclockwise, and I hussle, I move fast.  If she wants to backtrack, we will backtrack...if she wants to go clockwise, well then we will...and if she wants to stop to look at a tree and completely ignore the sculpture standing next to it, well then that is what we will do.  I will get out of my comfort zone of structure, I will NOT look at the map, I will bite my lip when I want to say "hurry up" and I will NOT get anxious when it becomes clear that we will not be seeing everything...I will enjoy the day, and just being there...I will, I really will *fingers crossed*...I sure hope they serve wine in the cafe. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Well, last night was fun...the weather, which was kinda crappy, and my nose, which was kinda stuffy, prevented me from having a bang up good time, but it was good to get out, hang with good people, and have a few beers.  I'm not doing much of anything today, even though my house needs attention and my clothes need washing.  Today I am going to stay in bed and read...just so happens today is day 9 and day 9 is read a book you loved as a little girl.

The Frisky suggests going to the library and finding a book you loved as a kid and re-reading it.  It is Sunday, so the Library is closed, and I'm not much up for heading out to a bookstore, so I grabbed a few books out of my bookcase.

Here are my choices, you can click on the titles for a link to Amazon.

Oh, The Places You'll Go

The Blue Day Book

Lulu Atlantis And The Quest For True Blue Love

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Day 8 update...

Didn't find a dress, or a cute top, or anything that screams "look at me!" but I did have a nice lunch and got SexyLegs all caught up.

I think I am coming down with a cold, which given that I have been stressed out and not eating is not surprising, BUT sure does SUCK. 

I am going out tonight, and I AM going to have fun...stuffy nose be damned.  Hmmm, who knows what goes in a hot toddy and more importantly, can I put it in a wine glass?

day 8

Alrighty...the box is packed and stuffed in the guest bedroom.  There was surprisingly little to pack away given that we were together almost two years...just another reminder of how NOT invested we really were.

Today is day 8:  go out and buy a "look at me" dress.

As soon as I can get off this computer, I am going to get ready.  I'm meeting SexyLegs for lunch and then we are going shopping; I'm gonna buy something that looks fabulous on me.  I'm excited.

Friday, September 16, 2011

the box

Get a box, any box, and box up his crap.

It has been a very long, very busy day, and on top of the craziness at work I had the every other Friday three hour drive to take the Pea to her dad.  Not only is it long and tiring, but letting her go bums me out...I just got home and ALL I want to do is crawl into bed with a glass of wine.  The LAST thing I want to do is start going around the house looking for HIS stuff and boxing it up.  The few things he has here (random toiletries, a toothbrush, a razor, some clothes) have become part of the background and I don't really see them anymore...actively seeking them out, touching them, smelling them (yeah, I'm one of those people that smells everything) will just make me think about him more, just think about all that we COULD have been, all the times he let me down, etc. etc. and I will just get sad. 

Right now sad is not an option.

Tomorrow, when I have more energy, it will be another story.  Tomorrow, it's all about the box.

day 6

Day 6 was go grocery shopping...well, I didn't, and then I had technical difficulties trying to get signed into blogger last night so instead of writing about grocery shopping, I drank a glass of wine and went to bed.  Here is day 6 from last time...

Monday, July 6, 2009

single shopping
Day 6: Congratulations: You’ve got your fridge back. Go Grocery Shopping, you’re single now, and you can buy what you want.

I think this is of the things I LOVE about being single is having my fridge to myself. I don't have to "meal plan" or keep certain things one ever complains that the box of wine takes up too much room, I buy what I want, when I want, and since I have been out on my own I have NEVER once heard the phrase "we don't have anything good to eat" uttered in my house. I especially love that I don't have to remember "his" bread or "his" peanut butter or "his" milk anymore, cuz the Pea and I BOTH eat wheat, all natural creamy with honey, and organic 2%, so there is no double stocking of anything.

In addition to having my fridge back, some other things that I am glad I no longer have to share: The toilet...boys are gross, boys miss, boys make messes and don't clean them up, it blows my mind that I don't have to scrub the toilet every week like I used to, and it is great. I was lucky enough that I never had to share my sink with DH, but now I have 2 all to myself...LOVE IT. The is all mine, mine, mine, mine...just for my little car and all my crap...if I want to leave the stroller, and my golf clubs, and the dirty laundry, by the door, I can, and no one complains.

So, I told Booya to go out shopping, not just grocery, but clothes, or tools, or whatever strikes his man fancy, buy some stuff that she would think gross, or roll her eyes at, and last I heard he was headed out...should be interesting

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Today, you’re going to plan to get the hell out of Dodge.

Roger, that. 

I have no problem planning a trip.  I plan trips all the damn time.  I spend more time planning vacations than I actually spend ON vacation.  As you know, I am planning a trip to Disney World, and there are spreadsheets, and revisions, and more revisions, and back-up plans, and contingency plans, and backup plans to the contingency plans, BUT since that trip was already in the works, I thought it only appropriate (in light of the break-up guide and all...just following along...) that I would plan another, NEW, trip.  I would LOVE to jet off to Hawaii.  HawaiiMom, I even priced tickets and looked into borrowing a timeshare, but there is just no way (I do think it could be a reality 2013 though!) unfortunately right NOW, not only do I not have any leave available, I have zero money in the bank, and robbing one is frowned on. 

Soooooo, *little drum roll* Charleston, here I come!  OK, here Booya and I two months, if neither of us is dating anyone, and we can get a cheap but nice hotel, and he remembers to book it, and it's only for two days, but whatever...

I'm really all about the planning anyway.  If the trip happens, great, we had a ton of fun last time and even though the Pea won't be along for the ride, and I have no desire to talk to Booya about Pooh Bear and Crocodiles (or was it alligators?) it could still be fun.  More fun for me at this moment though, is the way planning takes me out of the present, and transports me into a time and place where I don't have to worry about anything; someone else cleans up after me, someone else cooks for me, and I don't have to set an alarm.  That is a pretty damn happy place and just thinking about it makes me feel better.

I may start planning another Disney trip just for good measure...and one to Massachusetts...oooh, Hilton Head could be fun.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

short notice

Day 4:  Get a drink with your girls.  "Tonight, they’ll sit on your right and left sides at a bar, forming a sort of She-Ra-esque force field. Your friends will intercept and rebuff any men who try to hit on you, because this evening is about you, quality cocktails, and your pals reassuring you that it’s gonna be OK."

Oooooh, an excuse to be all Sex and the City, I'm ON it

I sat in a gorgeous trendy bar, with hot bartenders; I had on a fabulous outfit with a pair of brand new Manolo Blahniks.  I sipped Cosmos, with two of my girlfriends, and we all flipped our hair and rejected the 50 or so men that hit on us. 

Or not...

The truth is I went to a local pub, in my jeans, with Dr. Cox and Booya; I ordered a pint of Newcastle.  The waitress was older than my mother and called us "hon" and tonight's special was Bud Bottles. 

It was the best I could do on short notice.

There was really NEVER a chance of either Dr. Cox or Booya having to fend off, rebuff, or intercept anyone, and that was fine with me.  I did some talking, I did some listening, Dr. Cox flipped his hair, and I left feeling like it was all gonna be ok...mission accomplished.

Monday, September 12, 2011

goggles and bibles

Today is day 3 is make a Break-Up Bible.  The Break-Up Bible comes in handy when you throw on the break-up goggles and suddenly think it is a good idea to give it "one more try."  Break-up goggles are similar to beer goggles in that they cloud your vision and perception, and turn an otherwise not very attractive person into THE most attractive person on the planet.  Sometimes beer and break-up goggles get put on simultaneously, and that is ALWAYS bad.  The Frisky suggests you actually print out things your friends have said, or write them down in a little notebook, and refer to them when necessary, thus creating your very own "bible" to refer to when what you want to do is pick up the phone and sob "I miss you..."  I find sending frantic text messages to your friends works even better.   

Today I found myself wearing the dreaded break-up goggles.  I was driving down the road and happened to see The Boy driving in the other direction.  In that moment I was suddenly very sad and lonely (or was it mad and horny?) and I forgot all the bad times, all the drama, all the heartache, all the fights, all the bullshit, and just saw "my guy."  Next thing I knew, I was crying. 

I pulled over and texted the following to Booya: call me, tlk me off the ledge, jst saw him & 4 whatevr reasn am sad & want 2 call him, so call me b4 i do!!

The phone rang, only it wasn't him, it was Smash, which was probably even better, because she is the one who knew it all, was there through it all, and knows me better than anyone.  Off the ledge I came, and then I talked to Booya, and all was right in the world again.

I know we are better off apart, I know we are not a good fit, I know I need to move on, I just needed to hear it out loud, from someone else, and that is why listening to your friends is BRILLIANT advice.  Anyone else out there who wants to chime in, go ahead, I can take it, I'm listening...I don't know that I will write it all down and keep a notebook in my wallet for quick reference, but I may text you and ask you to tell me again.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

never forget

It's day 2 of the break-up guide, which is "Tell your friends" and yeah, pretty much covered.  Not only do my friends, his friends, everyone we work with and all my neighbors now know, but random people all over the planet who read this blog, some of whom don't even know me, know, so yeah...done.

Ok, moving on, because honestly on THIS day, a silly break-up just seems really insignificant and petty.

10 years ago, right now, I was standing in my bedroom, half dressed in my flight attendant uniform, sobbing, terrified, and completely stunned.  We all know where we were and what we were doing, and it changed us.

My whole life changed, and I was one of the lucky ones who ONLY lost a job and my sense of security.  I didn't lose a loved one.

Take a moment, no, take the whole damn day, to be grateful for what, and who, you have...and remember those less fortunate...vow to never forget and never assume we are safe from those who hate us...and make sure you tell those that you love that you do, because you never know when it is your last chance to do so.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

day 1

Ok how many of you remember the break-up guide? A little flashback if you don't, or weren't along on my journey back then: we are again!!  Yay, me...only this time Booya is just tagging along for the ride and helping me out, since he doesn't happen to be broken hearted at the moment.

The break-up from The Boy happened just before leaving for FL, and as anyone who has gone through one can attest, getting the HELL out of dodge is good medicine.  Unfortunately for me, I had to come back, and reality bitch slapped me right upside the head.  Work was not much fun yesterday, and the evening drama was even less.  I woke up this morning ready to face the day and get back to taking care of me and I'm starting with 30 days of whatever The Frisky thinks I need.

Day 1: Change your cell phone wallpaper.

Well, I didn't really need to do that, cuz the Pea is my subject of choice on my phone always, but I did have to change a ring tone, so that is gonna be my day 1.  Back in the day, when I WANTED to hear from The Boy, I gave him and Smash the same ring tone, when I heard that one I knew it was someone I wanted to talk to.  Well, that particular ring tone NOW sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me...I don't wanna hear it anymore.  Smash will get a new one as well, just for her, and NEVER again will she share one.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

more soon

Well they have updated Blogger, and I think I will be able to actually publish this post...if you are reading, it obviously did.

I am currently parked in a hotel room in Florida; tomorrow is Betty's daughter's wedding and the Pea and I are here so we can attend.  It is a much needed break from reality (as reality has not been fabulous lately) and a nice little mini vacation for the two of us.  The  Pea spent last week with  her dad so we are in need of some much needed reconnection time, and after breaking things off with The Boy, I am in need of that "I'll just runaway from all that sucks right now" time.

We just had a nice little swim in the pool, after a most excellent prime rib dinner in the hotel restaurant, and I am ready to go to bed and get some much needed sleep.

More soon, I hope...thanks for reading, and encouraging, and being there, all of you who are.
