Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Went to see The Hangover, again, last night...wow, Bradley Cooper me likey...yumm yumm *shudder* hmmmm...sorry...what was I saying?

Ok, so me like the Coop, and apparently younger (than me) men in general these days. I hadn't really realized my new "type" until Smash pointed it out to me while she was here. She said it was obvious to her, based on my new crushes (both celebrity and real life) and the men who turned my head while we were out and about. Huh, interesting...I have ALWAYS liked older guys, way older, DH is 19 years older...my previous crushes (Clooney etc.) were in their 40s...not sure why the sudden shift, but who the hell cares, right? Well, according to a recent article in The New York Observer titled The New Male Beauty, I am just following a trend. In the article, "new research" has shown that the modern woman is no longer attracted to "manly-men" and instead prefers "girly-men" a.k.a. boys.

"But according to Leonard Lee, a Columbia University professor who has written about physical attractiveness, recent research has indicated that women are now finding common features of the New Male Face—like big smiles, smaller chins and a wider distance between the two eyes—more compelling...In other words, perhaps in parallel to their own filler frenzy (see Jonathan Van Meter’s 2008 cover story on the New New Face in New York magazine), women have literally become attracted to men who look like babies. Is this what feminism has wrought?"

OH NO...NO, NO, NO, NO, NO...yuck, yucky, yuck, yuck, and an informal poll of the girls I work with revealed we DO NOT want a girly man. No siree (oh and JD, despite me calling you that from time to time, don't worry, I know you aren't, I just like to tease). NO, in fact, we want a hairy chested, wide shouldered, strong jawed, MAN. We want a guy who can pick us up and put us on the kitchen counter (or dresser, or up against a wall, or...ok, stopping now), who doesn't spend more time on his hair than we do, who DOES NOT, for GOD'S SAKE, wear skinny jeans. We don't want to outweigh, or be outspent on personal grooming by, our guys.

I thought it was interesting that the article basically said that because of the new crop of leading men (Zac Ephron etc.) it was obvious we ladies liked the pretty boys. Yeah, sorry, no...I think if anything it proves the movie studios are catering to the under 18 girly girls and 12-30 gay boy set. Every woman over 30, that I know, thinks Ephron would snap in half if we got our hands on him, and so therefore, would not be a good lay. Plus, he probably wouldn't want to get his hair messed up...ech.

Anyhoo...I just found it interesting that my dear sister pointed out my changing preference right about the time this article came out, and I wondered if I was just following the crowd. I usually am not one to hop on the trend bandwagon. Then again, if Bradley Cooper is a trend, I would be happy to hop on him.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Good day today...Pea and I had lots of quality time...spent the afternoon at the pool with Gigi and Buddy...booked the hotel for Charleston. Of course I should have known my good mood would get smashed. DH and I are having to "settle up" and as a result I may need to sell my house. I have been considering moving, but not right now, and I certainly don't want to deal with all that having your house on the market entails, but he called tonight and I don't know if I can put it off any longer. The "marital" house has been on the market quite awhile now and I have been struggling to deal with that. I should probably be thankful that at one time I was fortunate enough to own two houses, but all I can think about is that pretty soon I will own nothing, and I am too old to be a nomad.

Spring break has definitely come to a close.

On an up note: two new additions to "my circle." They aren't really new, or new to the blog, I have just been taking my time with the nicknames...welcome Funnyman and DrCox...you are both so great at building me up and making me laugh, thanks for allowing me to drag you into my world...I can't wait to buy you both a beer.

Ok, that's all I got for tonight...it is late and I still have much to do.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

still seeking...

So last night I found myself on Travelocity checking into flights to Nigeria...Nigeria? WTF? And no, I wasn't drunk. See, one of the guys I went to high school with lives there now, and fairly recently updated his Facebook status with "visitors welcome." I am sure it was somewhat tongue in cheek, but then again, if I were living there I would want visitors too. We were hoping to get together last time he was in the states and plans fell through and last night in my antsyness, next thing I knew I was debating whether or not to fly through Amsterdam or Rome and wondering if I could manage to spend a day or two in Europe...I have lost my mind. Not only could I NEVER afford this trip, what would I do with the Pea? DH is usually pretty good about taking her, but I suspect running off to Africa, just because, he would draw the line at. The thing is, for a few minutes I REALLY was trying to figure out a way to make it work...I have my passport, I have all the shots, I could put it on a credit card...I wanted to be able to experience something I never have, meet new people, and test myself...well, then Booya called and we decided we would go to Charleston...4th of July road trip...we are gonna chuck the Pea in the car (and by chuck I mean place gently in an approved safety seat with a five point harness), head south, and hope for adventure...

Eh, Abuja, Charleston...same difference right? I also have a friend in Hawaii...why wasn't I looking at flights to HAWAII?!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

swf seeks adventure

One of my boys, Grey, is headed out of town on an "adventure" and is the usual custom whenever one of the guys will be gone for awhile, we took him out last night for dinner and a few brews. Well, turns out silly me had locked her keys in her car and couldn't leave, so Grey hung out with me while we waited for the locksmith. We sat in the parking lot, on the tailgate of his truck, talking about his upcoming trip, travel in general, and life. Not only do most of the people I work with travel on a regular basis, but so do most all my other friends. One of my girlfriends is gone more than she is home, another gets to go off on occasion, and it seems almost daily one of my acquaintances is updating their Facebook status with an "I'm off to..." I am jealous. I miss seeing new places, new faces, and experiencing new things. Last night, once I finally got into my car and was able to head home, my mind was racing.

I was up most of the night, tossing and turning and thinking...today I am antsy. I don't want to run away, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life tied to a desk either. There are so many places I want to see, things I want to experience, foods I want to try. I read the book Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert last year, and for those who haven't heard of it, or read it, is about her search for herself, and love, after the breakup of her marriage. Gilbert goes to Italy, India, and Indonesia and writes about the food, her experiences, her struggles, and her lovers...I want to be her. Well, ok not really, cuz I kinda like myself now, but you know what I mean, right? To be able to travel the world... seeing, feeling, tasting, loving, and then writing about it...wow. I don't see any way to ACTUALLY do it, as toting along a 3 year old would be somewhat problematic, but I still WANT to, and for the last 12 hours or so I have thought a lot about what I want my life to be like in the future. I guess my spring break is coming to a close...it's funny how something random (and slightly annoying) like locking your keys in your car can end up being a "moment" in your life. As we talked last night about where we saw ourselves a few years down the road, I had to stop and think about it...I have been so focused on just getting by and getting through each day, I haven't thought much about it lately. This past year has been so much about surviving and healing and working on making myself the best me I can be that I have chosen NOT to think about some of my future dreams. I have made a conscious effort to NOT plan, since all my "life" plans blew up in my face, but NOW, now I think it is time. I still want to be able to enjoy my moments while I am in them, and not dwell too much on what the future will bring, or think about how my past has been less than ideal, but if I just keep doing what I have been doing, I will just end up staying right where I am.

I am ready to shake things up a bit...any suggestions?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

happy belated father's day

When I was 8 yrs old, mom married dad...I was living with B at the time, but moved in with them shortly after. Dad chose to love me and raise me as if I were his "real" daughter. B chose to bow out of my life...I haven't seen him in 23 years. Dad is the guy who taught me to fish, took me hunting, hiking, and camping. Dad fed me, taught me to cook, made lunches for me to take to school. Dad bought me a car for my 17th birthday because the one I bought myself when I was 16 was a piece of shit and he was worried I would end up stranded on the side of the road going or coming to one of my jobs. Dad came to pick me up from my junior prom when I called in tears because my date turned out to be a douche. Dad came to my high school graduation and whooped it up, proudly telling everyone I was his daughter. Dad walked me down the aisle at both my weddings, and threatened to beat the hell out of my first husband when he found out he had beaten the hell out of me. Dad was there when I graduated from college and had my first art show...My point? Any dude with a few sperm can father a child...it takes a man to be a dad. A man chooses to take part, take responsibility, and show up.

J chose to step up on Saturday and as a result celebrated his first Father's Day on Sunday. He married my sister and chose to take on the responsibility of two young boys. Unlike my situation their father is still in the picture so they are lucky, they have two dads. Happy Belated Father's Day, to J and Dad, and to all the guys out there who chose to be dads after the fun part. It should be automatic, the fathering after the making, but it sometimes isn't, and when that happens and another man steps up and chooses to do the job, well that is pretty damn awesome.

For most all birthdays and holidays I get my dad a CD...usually it is something I am listening to that I love and want to share, sometimes it is one I just know he will love, and other times it is one that has a special meaning. This year I bought my dad Darius Rucker's Learn To Live...he is the guy from Hootie and the Blow Fish, remember him? Well he is now singing country and I LOVE the cd...I wanted Dad to have it and when I gave it to him I told him to pay special attention to #8, which happens to be It Won't Be Like This For Long...thought I would share, here ya go:

He didn't have to wake up
He'd been up all night
Layin’ there in bed listenin’
To his new born baby cry
He makes a pot of coffee
He splashes water on his face
His wife gives him a kiss and says
It gonna be OK
It won’t be like this for long
One day soon we'll look back laughin’
At the week we brought her home
This phase is gonna fly by
So baby just hold on‘
Cause it won't be like this for long
Four years later ‘bout 4:30
She's crawling in their bed
And when he drops her off at preschool
She's clinging to his leg
The teacher peels her off of him
He says what can I do
She says now don't you worry
This’ll only last a week or two
It won’t be like this for long
One day soon you'll drop her off
And she won’t even know you're gone
This phase is gonna fly by
If you can just hold on
It won’t be like this for long
Some day soon she'll be a teenager
And at times he'll think she hates him
Then he'll walk her down the aisle
And he'll raise her veil
But right now she's up and cryin’
And the truth is that he don't mind
As he kisses her good night
And she says her prayers
He lays down there beside her‘
Til her eyes are finally closed
And just watchin’ her it breaks his heart
Cause he already knows
It won’t be like this for long
One day soon that little girl is gonna be
All grown up and gone
Yeah, this phase is gonna fly by
So, he's tryin’ to hold on‘
Cause it won’t be like this for long
It won’t be like this for long.

Monday, June 22, 2009

good news

Good News!! The blog will continue...and I didn't even have to call my boss a *wink*...thanks for the call today, wish I had been able to answer...you are the bestest, you always make me laugh...I will have a post tomorrow, promise.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Eeeek...so sorry I haven't written...things have been hectic. Don't have the time or energy for a well thought out post or funny story, but I will do some shit that doesn't suck, and unfortunately, something that does.

Hangin' at the beach, with all the people you love most in the world, in a fantastic house, with lots of food and booze: doesn't suck.

Enjoying Dunkin Donuts Coffee Coolatas with vodka while finalizing wedding plans: really doesn't suck...and makes wedding planning somewhat enjoyable. No, DD doesn't serve them that way (damnit) but they do come with a wicked convenient giant hole in the lid which makes for adding a shot (or three) quite easy. We discovered the joys of the Vodka Coolata (don't know if I am spelling that right, but whatever) after running a few wedding errands and were refueling with some coffee to try and make it through the rest of the day. One of our errands had been the ABC store...huh, giant bottles of vodka, convenient easy pour lid...why not? We are just too damn creative...fortunately that was our last stop and the rest of the night entailed only more booze and lots of food.

Watching your sister get married to the most amazing man, who loves and adores both her and her kids, as the waves crash in the background: didn't suck.

Getting an email from work that announces a new policy that may mean I have to shut down the blog: sucks. More on that later, maybe...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

holy !!!!

Just got back from the Sunday morning doughnut run and shopping...managed to get in and out of Walmart before 9am, so I never felt the need to kill anyone or rip my own head off...the Pea was perfect (which worries me a little) and now I am scrambling to get packed and ready before heading off to the airport to meet Smash, J, JJ and Boo. After that THE BEACH!!!! A week off work, with the family, in a beach house...STOKED!!!

...HOLY SHIT...Smash just called, she thought she was going to be arriving around noon (it is 9:30 now), which meant I had a few hours...she will be here in an hour...oopsie.

OK, well...guess that means I gotta go...don't know how much I will be writing over the next week, but I will be taking my computer so who knows.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

good shit

The Hangover - Movie Trailer 2009 - Watch the best video clips here

Sucks: A hangover

Doesn't Suck: the movie The Hangover

OMG...this movie is so good. I recommend a Mexican dinner with a few $1 Dos Equis drafts beforehand, but that's just because that is what Booya, Partyman, and I did. Regardless of when, or where, or whether or not you have had a few, this movie will make you laugh your ass off. I started before the opening credits and still haven't stopped. I keep remembering bits and lines and start all over again. Of course, if you aren't a fan of stupid boy humor like I am, you may not love it AS MUCH, but still...OH, and move over Clooney, I am so over you (sorry) Bradley Cooper is my new favorite man (besides Vince Vaughn, of course)...oh my. I hated his character in Wedding Crashers but thought he was cute, liked him in Failure to Launch, LOVED him in The Hangover he is LOVELY...the scene where he has his shirt off *shudder* I wanted to lick him...sigh, ok, moving on.

Went to see No Doubt in concert this week. Didn't suck. They put on a hell of a show...I knew it would be fun and was looking forward to seeing both them and Paramour but had no idea it would be such a good show...they really did a great job and Gwen Stefani...holy guacamole, she is ripped...her abs are sick. She was terrific and full of energy...the tour is pretty much nonstop all summer and if you get a chance I would recommend catching them. http://www.nodoubt.com/

So far this spring break thing: doesn't suck.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

10 things

Smash and J are getting married in less than two weeks...it is wedding (crazy) central over at The Frisky...Booya and Georgie are knee deep in the planning and the invites are scheduled to go out soon. Given that my marriage is nearing an early demise, I can't help cringe a little at all the wedding talk. Don't get me wrong, I am not jaded or bitter, I don't think marriage should be abolished, I still believe it can work, and when it does it is awesome, but for cryin' out loud people: it ain't about the wedding!!! The wedding is ONE day...ONE, in a (hopefully) lifetime of days.

Smash and J are doing it right (in my opinion)...on the beach, with no fanfare, with only the few people that will be impacted in some way by the marriage (them, parents, children, me-ok, I'm really not impacted I just want to be there cuz I love them both, and someone has to wrangle the kids) and then BBQ. Nothin' wrong with a big fancy wedding if you can afford it, and I "get" the concept of sharing with all your friends and family, but far too often I see brides (cuz face it, very rarely is it a groom that gets pissed becuz the linens are cream not ecru) get so wrapped up in what's NOT important, that they forget what IS.

I was guilty of this myself, and despite KNOWING in my gut I didn't want to get married I allowed myself to get wrapped up in the wedding and all it entailed. In my case, doing all the planning myself and micromanaging every detail allowed me to get lost in wedding happy land and stomp down my true feelings when what I should have done is taken a step back, and thought about what would come after the big day...I wonder: if the whole wedding industry suddenly went away and it wasn't "cool" to have a wedding, the concept of an engagement ring didn't exist, married tax breaks went away, and the only way to tell a married someone from an unmarried someone was by a plain gold band and their level of commitment to their spouse, if less people would enter into it, and if those that did would have a better than 50% chance of making it? Something to ponder...

In light of all this I thought I would re-run part of an old post..it was one I ran back when Smash and J were starting to consider marriage and whether or not being together forever was something they both wanted. I thought it was worth re-running because I have been reading wedding lists all week and thought a better list would be one about the relationship instead...

mr/mrs right?

1. You absolutely know he/she wants you as much as you want them. If it's right, your feelings of love are reciprocal and mutual and not one-sided.

2. He/she walks into a room, and you just have to smile. You can't help it! And when you look at him/her, he/she's smiling at you.

3. You do kind and sweet things for each other just because you want to and not because you feel you have to. Doing them makes you both feel good -- and special.

4. You are very secure in the relationship. There is no need for jealousy or suspicion. This is a drama-free zone. No one plays games or secretly tests the other.

5. He/she likes you for who you are and doesn't want to change you. Not only does he/she not make you feel bad about yourself, but also he boosts your self-esteem.

6. Life isn't perfect. You've had your ups and downs, but through it all, you have remained together with the relationship unshaken.

7. He/she has good friends, and you like who they are when they spend time with them.

8. He/she does not try to have power over you. There are absolutely no mind games or power plays in the relationship.

9. He/she doesn't pressure you to do things you don't want to do.

10. The religious and personal beliefs, life goals and interests that make you different don't push you apart.

...this list is not the end all, that's for sure, but if you can't say yes to most of them, should you even be thinking about the "10 Best Locations For A Destination Wedding" or "10 Must-Haves For Your Wedding Day"...no matter how great the wedding is, if in 2, 5, or 10 years you are signing divorce papers, it just won't matter.

Monday, June 8, 2009

a brand new box

Remember this:

Saturday, July 12, 2008

the Christmas of the box
Wow, I have actually been so busy the last few days I haven't been able to write...I actually had to work at work...imagine that. So on Thursday I had to sit through a class on HazMat...fun and games right? Well the instructor thought it was THE most exciting and interesting stuff EVER, the rest of us...not so much.

The funny thing about the class, is that it made me remember this past Christmas.See, the instructor kept using the word box whenever he was referring to any kind of package at all, and I swear he said it like 52 times in the first few minutes..I had to stifle my giggles, it was ridiculous.

Ok, so it's December of last year, Smash, J, JJ and Boo are coming down for Christmas...my parents decide they are going to just ship "all our presents" to my house. Every day for a week they call to ask if we "got the box?" and since I usually only talk to mom OR dad once or twice a month I figured this was one HELL of a box, with lots of good shit.

About 4 days before Christmas we get the box...it's about the size of a shoebox and it's drop shipped from Harry & David...WTF? This can't be it, this had to be an additional box, THE box must be late.

So I call mom,
me: "hey there, got a box of somethin' from Harry & David"
mom: "OOOH GOOOD, you got your Christmas presents then"
me: "ummmm, ok, yeah, are they ALL in there, for EVERYONE?"
mom: "yes, yes, and don't open them until Smash and the boys get there"
me: "oh, ok, great...thanks so much!"

Meanwhile I am thinking, "its food, gourmet food, we have a 2, 4, and 6 yr old and it's Christmas - what is that?" So Smash, J, JJ & Boo arrive, and I present the box. Smash starts laughing, J is wondering what the hell is so funny and the kids are maniacs because of course they think the box MUST be filled with great stuff...we open the box...inside the box is:


Oh yeah, 5 red boxes of assorted size, each one containing some heinous little food with a designer label.


There wasn't enough of any one thing to share amongst 7 people, and there were only 5 different things...let me see if I can remember what they were: fruit cake, fudge, baklava, raspberry cookie bar thing, and......oh who cares.

Anyway, we call mom & dad to "thank them" and they are just so damn proud...they sooo did not get it...and these are not 90 yr olds, they are not poor (anymore), they know we have children. We are close to just letting it go and writing it off as my parents being clueless when we happen to ask what youngest got. Big mistake...HUGE...because upon hearing the answer we are furious.

Oh, he got a box too...

A brand new box...

See, mom and dad agreed to pay for him to get him a sex change...lets see how did J put it?

"So let me get this straight...the SEVEN of us got a BOX of Harry & David and your brother GOT A VAGINA?!"

And not just a vagina, but hormone treatments, laser hair removal, the works...that shit ain't cheap. Now granted, my parents have never been big gift givers (not to us anyway) so it's not like we were expecting a whole lot, but if in order to get them to spend money on us we have to ask for new body parts...hmmm I think I'll pass, I'm pretty damn happy with my box thank you very much, I don't think I want a new one.

UPDATE Jan. 2009...ok so this Christmas mom & dad redeemed themselves...we got gift cards and the kids racked up with some great stuff...Youngest wasn't there, we don't know what she got...I'm still very happy with my box and have only my original body parts.

Youngest is now officially, legally, anatomically...a girl...my baby brother is now my baby sister...JD has happily (well ok, begrudgingly, whatEVER) taken on the role of baby brother since I am still coming to terms with not having one, and I have yet to meet my baby sister. I am excited about it, hoping that now she feels "right" in her own skin we can have a relationship and be sisters, but having been somewhat estranged for the last few years I am not holding out hope for a running in slow motion, through a field of flowers, hug and cry fest.

How do you start over with someone? How do you forge a new relationship with someone you have known forever, yet don't know at all?

DH and I are starting over...making our way as two single parents doing our best to raise the same kid...we are trying to be friends and create a new way of seeing each other. Is it possible to start over like that with someone who really is "new" and wants the whole world to see them differently? Sometimes when you make a major life change, and you see yourself as someone else, having faith in people who "knew you when" to do the same is hard. Even if THEY are willing to see you as your new self, there is sometimes an underlying uneasiness, and it is easier to just break away and start over with new people who only know who you are now.

There was a part of me that wanted to jump ship after splitting from DH...get out of town, make new friends, start over from scratch...I am glad I didn't, and once I gave my friends time to adjust they remained just that, my friends. The ones who have drifted away or are unwilling to accept me as the single girl self that I am now were probably never friends to begin with. I hope my baby sister trusts that we (her family) can see her as who she is NOW, and gives us a chance to like her (or not) based on that and that alone. I am mourning the loss of the little man that I knew and loved, but I am looking forward to meeting the little lady...I hope I like her.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Well, last night was lovely. We went to a great restaurant, had a good meal, and talked. There were a few uncomfortable moments, but we moved on from them, and overall we both had a nice time. The night started with a wee bit of tension, and nervousness, but by the time we were half way through our first drink we were talking and relaxed.

There was no spark...

There was a part of me that was hoping for one, and a part of me that wanted a disaster. The spark would have meant hope for reconciliation, a disaster would have meant I could hate him. There was neither, and so while it was good, and necessary, and from it came the possibility of us one day being good friends, it was sad...sad and bittersweet.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


It is Saturday morning...the Pea has been with her daddy since 5pm last night, and I am (I think for the first time) actually enjoying my free time rather than being pitiful. Usually, I get all antsy and wonder around aimlessly, trying to find something to do, but then not focusing on whatever it is...I can usually feel my whole body tensed up and uncomfortable and no amount of fun out with friends or planned activities can make me feel better. Last night I got a little sad after she left, and since I didn't have any plans I was nervous, but I ended up taking a wicked long shower, putting on my PJs, and sitting on the couch with a glass of wine. I watched a movie and talked to Booya and Mclovin on the phone and before I knew it it was midnight and I went to bed and fell asleep. For some of you that may not seem like a big deal, but usually, no matter how tired I am, I lay in bed thinking, tossing, and turning...last night I crashed. When I woke up at 6am this morning, I made myself go back to sleep and ended up staying in bed until 9am. 9am!!!!!!! I don't remember the last time I stayed in bed until 9. As a result, right now I am rested, relaxed and looking forward to a day of nothing.

I have no plans, other than the date with DH tonight, so I think I will head to DD for a coffee, hit the library, and then tackle the 6 months worth of In Style and Marie Claire magazines sitting on my counter that I haven't had a chance to look at...if I get really motivated I will go through all my clothes and reorganize for the summer, but who knows. Sorry I don't have a story or a musing or just something more. I am sure either in my time out and about or in reading through the magazines something random will strike me and I will have to tell y'all about it, but for now, nope, nothing. Enjoy the weekend.

Do not dwell on the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. - Buddha

Thursday, June 4, 2009

bras, bagels, & bachelorettes

I have a date with DH this Saturday night. A few months back he asked and at the time I said I wasn't ready to date anyone, much less someone who had already seen me naked, but I promised I would, before we signed the divorce papers. With the divorce fast approaching and since I am now ready to date, when he asked yesterday if I would, I said yes. I am a little apprehensive, but I want to go. I owe it to myself, to him, and to the Pea, to make absolutely certain there is no hope for reconciliation before we sign anything. I also want to go ahead and do this before I get involved with anyone else because there is no way I will give him a fair shake if I am in the happy glow of a new relationship.

My goal for the night is to try and see him for who he is now, and present myself as I am now, and see if there is a spark...I don't know what he has in mind, but I have no intention of talking about our marriage or the last 14 years...I want to see if we are compatible now, and go from there. I know if we try and talk about the past we will just end up fighting and that will suck. Fingers crossed...and now, some shit that doesn't suck.

Every morning I go to NY Times online to skim the news...another sight with a similar layout, but far more fun is http://www.theonion.com/content/index. It has the same look, but a far different feel. If you need a laugh, or are just tired of the "real" news, check it out, you won't be disappointed.

I like fancy panties...I like bras that match...unfortunately for me I am kinda a weird bra size, so until now I had a really hard time finding matching sets without buying a bra that didn't fit. I like Victoria Secret panties, but they don't carry my bra size. WELLLLL...one night I was bitching about this problem to the guys (yeah, I dunno why either...just like they sometimes forget I am a girl, I sometimes forget they are guys...anyway) and Partyman suggested Fredericks of Hollywood. I thought he was joking, but he then went on to say his wife was similar in size to me and they had pretty good stuff and I should check it out. I did, they are my new favorite store http://www.fredericks.com/. OMG...I had NO IDEA, I thought they just sold trashy lingerie and "dance wear" NOOOO, they have really nice bras and panties to match and they CARRY MY SIZE...I am wearing a lovely little red set right now and the girls look fabulous.

It is no secret that I am hooked on Dunkin Donuts coffee. For those of you who know me well, you also know I went through serious pumpkin donut addiction. My NEW favorite: the multi-grain bagel...it is one of those foods that disguises itself as healthy but has about a million calories (and if you get it toasted with butter like I do, a zillion, easy). I can't stop, I love them...I am outta control. I keep this shit up and I won't be able to fit into all my new fancy panties, but I thought I would share anyway cuz they are soooooo damn good. https://www.dunkindonuts.com/aboutus/nutrition/Product.aspx?Category=Bagels&id=DD-784

Ok, last but certainly not least...anyone else hooked on The Bachelorette like I am? Jillian is my new girl crush, she is awesome, couple her with a bunch of hotties...ooohh la la. Even better than the show itself is the liveblogging http://www.thefrisky.com/focuson/the-bachelorette/...I swear to granola, I will think something, and Amelia will write it. Guys this is not for you, you will hate it.

Well, a date with a husband is not exactly something most people would consider a necessary part of "spring break" (maybe a date with someone else's husband...jk) but I think for me it is...let's hope I can just live in the moment and enjoy it...and it doesn't suck.

Who is up for tequila shots if it's a disaster?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Dear Mr. Regular Guy,

I tried to respond to your email but it was returned as an invalid address...huh? I hope you didn't go to the trouble of opening an email acct, emailing me, and then closing the account before I had a chance to respond...no worries...I will just post my response here.

Uhm, no...I am not a supermodel, not even close. I realize I have a fair amount of "baggage" and so therefore am not perfect, and yes, I do think I am God's gift...I happen to think we are ALL God's gifts, even you...moving on.

When I said I wouldn't "let" other than amazing men into my life, or bed, I did not mean to imply that I have hoards beating down my door and I am turning away all but the best...not at all, nor did I mean that I wanted a "perfect" man, as a matter of fact far from. I want someone real, flawed, and human...just like me...my "fellow dorky snowflake." I don't think wanting someone that I like and can talk to, that I find sexy and hot, and that is cool and can make me laugh, is too much to ask for, and I would hope that any man who "lets" me into his life feels that I TOO am hot and sexy, easy to talk to, cool, and funny.

It's ok that you would never date me, or someone like me...I don't subscribe to the theory that there is only one person out there for me...if you are one of my soul mates and I never get the chance to meet you, oh well. Thanks for the luck, I can always use more, but I have to disagree: there are, in fact, MANY amazing men out there who could live up to my standards...I'm not worried.

Good luck to you.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Yesterday's Dating Amelia post on TheFrisky (http://www.thefrisky.com/post/246-dating-amelia-everyones-got-advice/) was a bit of a rant on all the advice she has been getting. I could SOOOO identify...I have been getting all kinds of advice, like her both solicited and not, and it is ridiculous how EVERYONE has a different take on every situation, and it all tends to contradict. I won't even be thinking I need advice and then someone will say something which will get me thinking, which will then lead me to seeking advice, which I will get, which will confuse me even more...it is amazing what one little date can lead to:

So Coffee Date Dude a.k.a. Texty McNoCall and I have a lovely coffee date, hour together at a concert, lots of good talk, but no spark...I am left feeling good, but knowing it will never amount to anything...I figure: perfect first time out, training run, spring camp, whatever you wanna call it, bottom line thanks for playing, try again. WELLLLL, he continues to text to check in and set up tentative future dates that never happen...my gut says "Done, and done." I have enough guy friends, and that is all he would ever be cuz there is no spark, so move on...upon telling others this, I got a variety of responses:

1) Good, he sounds like a douche stalker...run, run away. (Little harsh, me thinks)

2) Awww, but he is so sweet, he brought you wine and he keeps texting to check on you...maybe he just can't talk on the phone...ya know, very busy in meetings and stuff. (Uhm, no, sorry...if you are so effing busy that you can't make a two minute phone call, you are clearly too busy to fit me into your life and therefore not boyfriend material)

3) Clearly he is just young and a little insecure...he likes you a lot or he wouldn't keep texting, give him a chance, you must go out with a guy at least 3 times before you can make a judgement. (Yeah....NO, and in what rule book is that in anyway? 3 times? If there is a spark I pretty much know right away...if, in addition to that, I get to know someone and find out they are cool, game on...otherwise, why try to force it?)

4) He probably has a girlfriend and doesn't want to get caught...doesn't mean you can't hang with him though, maybe a fling? (Why would I want a fling if there is no spark?!)

The funny thing is, I had already made up my mind and felt good about it...it wasn't until everyone else started weighing in did I start to think I should re-think. Why do we do that? Why do we allow what others say influence how we feel? When we are single and everyone is constantly asking "when are you gonna get a boyfriend?" we think "oh, crap, should I? I guess so, if everyone thinks so..." then you get one and everyone starts asking "when are you getting married?" when it hadn't even occurred until everyone started asking...and then when you finally do get married the inevitable "when are you having a baby?" UGH...for crying out loud, isn't it ever good enough to just enjoy the stage you are in and take full advantage? Having done the marriage and baby deal I happen to know how hard it is so I see no rush to do it again...nor do I think all my gal/guy friends should rush out and do it either. It is fun being single, it is nice being in a monogamous relationship without the rings, it is great being in a healthy marriage, it is fantastic becoming a mommy...why speed through each stage only to find out when you get to the next that the one before it is gone and you miss it?

I dunno what Amelia will end up doing, or who's advice she will end up taking in this adventure that is being single, but I know I am gonna try like hell to just relax and listen to my gut. I am gonna have the courage to put myself out there and meet new people and let others in, but I am sure as shit not gonna settle or spend my time with people I know I don't care to have in my life. The best advice ever in the history of the world is still: "be particular" (Sweet Potato Queens Book Of Love) and as such, is the only advice I am taking to heart. I remember now, I wrote a post about that last year (http://crazyincarolina.blogspot.com/2008/09/well-it-looks-like-it-is-going-to-be.html), and at the time, made a promise to myself to only let into my life, and into my bed, amazing men that I share a connection, a spark, and a laugh...I am keeping my promise, even if it means Bob (for those of you new here: battery operated boyfriend) and I, spend a lot of time together while we wait.

Monday, June 1, 2009


On my way to work this morning I passed a school bus stop (what is it with the bus stops?) and at it two little guys (maybe 8 yrs old?) beating the immortal shit out of each other. They both still had their backpacks on and were throwing punches as they fell to the ground...big brother, or at least an older looking kid, was standing over them watching, and eating an apple. A game gone awry? A bet? One called the other's mother a who-ere (that's whore with a Scottish accent, and another story altogether)...who knows, but I came up with a few things I think are worth fighting for. I don't see myself EVER rolling on the ground punching the neighbor in the head, but I'm scrappy, and if ya mess with me, well...never know.

For my right to party...sorry, lame, had to go there...moving on.

My place in line at a ladies room when I REALLLLY have to pee...I will give a bye to a pregnant lady or a little kid, but bitch, if you ain't either: step back and wait your damn turn...please...even worse: if my Pea has been standing in line and you cut in front of her cuz you figure SHE can't kick your ass...I am lioness, hear me roar (yes, this happened the other day, the nerve of some people!).

A really good parking space that I scoped out and have been waiting for while the lady got all her shit in the car, checked her phone, re-applied her lipstick, started the car, adjusted the radio, and FINALLY decided to back out of...ESPECIALLY in the pouring rain. I'm sorry: if I am sitting there with my blinker on, I got next...move along.

Ok, so no, those aren't worth coming to blows over...but what is? Is it EVER ok to knock someone upside the head (even if they deserve it)? I certainly think there are those who walk the earth that shouldn't (think pedophile) and should have their naughty parts removed rather savagely and left to bleed to death while writhing on the ground, but other than that? Seems the whole world is at war right now and for what? We like to say we are fighting for justice, human rights, etc. but are we really just killing people, and allowing our own people to die, for oil and diamonds?

What is really worth fighting for?

Life, love, democracy, freedom, fair and equal rights for ALL people, the right to speak your mind (even if you prove yourself an idiot), safety and the safety of your family, your health and the ability to obtain quality health care, education, our food supply and clean drinking water...oh, and cake, especially chocolate...don't ever try and take cake away from me...I will cut you.