Wednesday, October 26, 2011

smashing lady parts

I finally had the ol' mammogram and my boobies hurt a bit.  My plan was to go to yoga tonight, but since I felt like at any moment my girls could have fallen off my chest, downward dog was not an option.  I decided, instead, to walk with the Pea while she rode her bike.  One would think this was just a ho hum occasion...all five year olds ride their bike in the afternoons right?  Wrong.  The Boy and I slaved over that bike last Christmas is a one of a kind, custom, tricked out, kick ass, pink bike...and she rode it ONCE.  Christmas day she took it out, took a turn a bit too fast and fell, and somehow smashed her lady parts.  It has taken her 10 months to work up the courage to try it again.  I can't say I blame her...if in her mind: bike = bruised bits, well...

So, just so happened yesterday, she up and decided it was time.  Out of the blue the bike came out of it's resting place and around and around the kitchen she went until she felt like she could handle it without harming herself.  Today we ventured outside.  Up and down the street she rode, proud of herself and her bike, and not a single lady part was harmed.  No southern bits anyway, BUT my northern bits felt like they were sliding off my ribcage and more than once I caught myself holding one in each hand.  I was positive when I took off my bra tonight the boobies would come with it...or still be attached but unfurl like tube socks.  I'm happy to report neither happened, but I'm wearing a sports bra to bed.

The mammogram itself was, overall, a lot less horrible than I expected.  I did some research going in, and made sure to find an imaging clinic that only had the newer "gentler" digital machines, and that, coupled with a really great tech who didn't man handle me, probably made a huge difference.  I know Smash, and plenty of other ladies, haven't been so lucky.  I also had the good fortune of getting the advice to take some Motrin an hour or so before hand...I never would have thought to do that if my sister hadn't mentioned it.

Since I feel like my experience was made better because going in I knew what to expect, I thought I would share it for any of you out there who haven't had the pleasure of getting your boobies mashed, smashed, and photographed, so that you too, will have a better than average experience.

For starters, do your research and make sure you go digital...ooooh, and another thing, my original appointment was scheduled during a not optimal time of the girls hurt if you looked at them, touching them was out of the question...had I not mustered up the balls to call and reschedule I would have been on the floor in a puddle *shudder*  Make sure your appointment is the week AFTER your period, and even if you like 'em man handled by your man, take some Motrin, cuz the machine you can't slap and say "gentle! geez..."

After checking in, and giving them enough personal information for them to easily steal my identity, I headed to the dressing area and stripped from the waist up.  I put on a gown, which was cute with my four inch heels (they let you keep your shoes on) and then the tech led me into "the room" which is dominated by "the machine" which essentially looks like a plastic vice grip...a GINORMOUS plastic vice grip.  She had me take the gown off on one side and slapped a little metal sticker on my nipple, which was a one told me about the sticker.  I stepped up to the plate, so to speak, and she lifted my left one onto it.  I then had to do a little contortion act with one arm huggin' the machine, the other "relaxed" yeah right, and my head tilted to the side so the top plate (the smasher) wouldn't uppercut me when it unsmashed.  I'm GLAD I had on heels cuz I felt like I was being picked up off the ground as the top plate came down.  As it came down it simultaneously smooshed and pulled and then there was a click, and I was released.  This got repeated 3 more times, with assorted combinations of lifting, mashing, "look up" and "relax."  I only had a mild panic attack, and after one short break to sit down with my head between my knees  ("you were sweating, shaking, and turning white, bless your heart child!") I was fine.  If you can get your blood pressure taken, or watch your dog get a shot, without having a panic attack and passing out (I can not), you will be fine.

After ripping the little metal stickers off my nipples (which I debated just leaving there cuz I KNEW it was gonna smart like hell) I gathered up the girls, poured them into my bra, got myself dressed, and headed out.  Had I not had to go back to work I would have gone to the nearest bar and ordered a martini, instead, I hit the nearest Taco Bell and ordered pretty much everything on the menu.

I could have thought of at least three things I would have rather done with my morning, and my boobs, but I am glad I did it.  I hope anyone who is told by their doctor that they need one doesn't chicken out like I almost did, because it really isn't all that bad.

I would go ahead and get the martini afterward though, cuz the Taco Bell?  Bad...very. bad. idea.

Monday, October 24, 2011

more perfect

A few more recipes...

The Pea's Perfect Pumpkin Bread

1 can pumpkin puree (organic if you can find it, but not necessary since you don't eat the skin)
4 eggs (I use vegetarian, cage free)
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup applesauce (unsweetened, organic)
2/3 cup water
1 cup sugar
1 cup Truvia
3 cups unbleached, all purpose flour
1/3 cup whole wheat flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
3 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
1 teaspoon Cinnamon

Preheat the oven to 320 for glass pans, 340 for metal (I use glass)

Combine all the dry ingredients and set aside and in another bowl (or if you are like me and don't like to do dishes just form a little well inside the dry ingredients in the same bowl) and beat the eggs, then add oil, applesauce, pumpkin, water, sugar, and Truvia.  Mix everything together until well blended and dump it in buttered bread pans (I like to do mini loaves...that way when I eat a whole loaf, it's not so bad).

Bake it till it smells ready and feels firm, about an hour.

K's Kick-Ass Chicken Chili

2 or 3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (I use vegetarian, cage free)
3 cans white beans (again, organic, if you can find it, drained)
2 bell peppers (organic, any color, I like to use one red, one green, for color, but whatever is fresh and looks good)
1 poblano pepper (or other mild green pepper)
1 jalapeno
1 sweet onion (like a vidalia)
a bunch of garlic (I would use about 4-5 cloves, but not everyone loves garlic like I do)
chicken stock (I like the organic stuff that comes in a box)
Olive oil

Dice up the peppers, onion, jalapeno (I throw out the pith and the seeds cuz I don't like it crazy hot, but if you do, knock yourself out), garlic, and chicken, and chuck it all in a big saute pan with enough olive oil to cover the bottom of the pan.  Saute it up on medium high heat.  When everything is nice and caramelized and the chicken is cooked through (it doesn't take long) turn down the heat to low and add the stock, pepper to taste (and salt if you must, but usually stock is salty enough so taste it first) and the beans.  If you like it kinda soupy you are done...if you like it thick just let it hang out until it is the right consistency.  The water will cook off and the fiber from the beans will thicken it up.  I usually let it hang out about 30 minutes...unless I am starving and then I eat it right away.

There ya have it, add a bag of corn chips, a nice dark beer, and the Packers kicking ass, and you are set.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Sunday!  Sunday!  Sunday!

What a difference a day makes.  Today is perfect.  Again, it is glorious weather, again, there is football on tv, again, the Pea and her little buddy are sitting in the driveway...BUT, today I am not annoyed.  Nope, not a bit. 

Today, I was able to start the day with my favorite show, CBS Sunday Morning, drink an entire pot of coffee in peace, snuggle with the Pea while the pumpkin bread we made baked in the oven, and get a few things done without ONCE having to stop and yell "STOP YELLING AND BE NICE!"

Ahhh...much better.

So, as most of you know, the Pea and I are gearing up for our Christmas in Disney.  In less than  two months I will be in my happy place, hemorrhaging money.  Since most everything there is a bit on the pricey side, we have to pick and choose what we do, and what we buy.  We don't do souvenirs, other than pressed pennies and a photo cd (because I don't need any more plastic shit in my house), we don't buy clothes there (because why would you when you can get Micky shirts at Target for $7), and the Pea knows better than to bother asking for anything being sold by a street vendor. 

One place we go all out though, is food...or more specifically, dining experiences.  I am a big fan of the "character meal."  For those of you who don't know, the character meal is one where specific characters come around the dining room and stop at your table to interact for a few minutes.  The only other way to interact with the characters is to stand in line in the parks.  Some of the lines go on for DAYS...I don't do lines.  Combining my favorite thing: food, with one of the major reasons we go to Disney in the first place: the chance for the Pea to get hugged by a princess, is brilliant, and worth every penny.  We are scheduled to do three meals with princesses and one with Pooh Bear.  I am actually just as excited as the Pea, Price Charming is nummy because the food is awesome.

I thought I was the only person in love with Disney food (because most people just think it is overpriced and not all that great) until I stumbled on this little gem:
Food Porn.  I have been looking at a bunch of it lately.  I am so addicted to this form of porn, in fact, that I have already started planning what restaurants to eat at for subsequent trips to the world, because I want to try it ALL.  Most of the good restaurants actually do not have characters, so it looks like I am either going to have to start going more often, going without the Pea (which would never work because I would feel so guilty I couldn't eat), or lying and telling her the characters are sick and can't come around whenever we go into a place without them.

I don't think going more often is feasible unless I win the lottery, so I am officially going to start lying to my kid on our next trip.  Until then, I have my porn.

My recipe for a perfect day: 
Wake up next to Prince Charming with a perfect cup [pot] of coffee, bake some pumpkin bread, make some chili, chill some beer, turn on a good [any] football game, and during the commercials scroll through some food porn. voila, perfecto! 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

beer goggles

It is a glorious fall afternoon.  The weather could not be more perfect.  I have beer in my fridge and football on the TV.  The Pea is outside creating a mural, out of sidewalk chalk, in the driveway.  I should be happy as a damn clam and loving life, right?  Wrong...I am annoyed.  I am annoyed because in the driveway with the Pea is her newest bestest friend, who supposedly lives across the street.  I say supposedly because it feels like she lives here.

Every day when I get home she is here before I can open my car door and get out.  Every night I have to send her home, both her and the Pea kicking and screaming.  This morning my doorbell rang at 7:45am.  If I hadn't already been up with a pot of coffee brewing I would have lost my damn mind.  Twice today I have sent her home because I just want some time with my kid, but since my kid would rather play with her than me, she is back, and I let her. 

I worked really hard, and paid a steep price, to set my little world up the way it is, and I am having a hard time letting others in.  I only get two Saturdays a month with my little peanut, I really don't want to spend those days babysitting someone elses kid and breaking up arguments.  If I have said "stop screaming and play nice!!!!" once, I have said it a THOUSAND times.  I don't have to say that when it's just the two of us.  Ok, I do, but not nearly as often.

On one hand, I know she wants to play with friends and she needs to develop socially...on the other, I am selfish and want her all to myself.  Not to mention that taking care of myownself and MY offspring is hard enough...I really don't need to be taking care of someone else's kid.  The kid isn't bad, she doesn't require much, but for some reason it is starting to really rub me the wrong way. 

Today the ice cream truck came by and The Pea tore off outside with her purse.  Her life savings is $3 (the portion that is hers to spend as she likes, anyway, the rest is going to Disney).  It pissed me off to no end that she bought TWO ice creams at a $1.50 each.  Pissed.  Me.  Off.  I didn't say anything, just let her do it, and then let them sit outside and eat, but I swear I wanted to snatch the ice cream out of the kid's hand...and then what?  It made the Pea happy, she was fine spending her money and sharing, what the hell is wrong with me?

It's not like my Pea hasn't hung out with other people in the neighborhood.  For a while she practically lived at "kid paradise" I wonder if the mom over there felt the same way toward the Pea that I do about this little one?  I wouldn't have blamed her if she did, but I'm guessing she didn't.  Why do I have no tolerance for other people's kids? 

Sometimes I feel like a heartless bitch, and I am ashamed of myself.  Thank God not all people are like me or we wouldn't have any teachers or pediatricians.  I love the Pea so much it scares me; I would spend every moment of every day with her.  Even when she pisses me off I want to squeeze her, and would give her my own heart if she needed it, so I know I am capable of loving children, just apparently not other people's children.  Although, I do love my nephews, so I dunno...

Beer seems to make me like everybody better...maybe I will just go get one.  I know I am one of the guys, but never in my wildest dreams did I think I would need beer goggles to help me deal with a girl.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

football and pixie dust

I don't get the whole occupy wall street thing...I think all the candidates are off their rocker...I am frightened that our economy is one media frenzy away from collapse. 

I have never LIKED watching the news, but now, I can't even look at it.  Just seeing the headlines when I sign in to my computer every morning depresses me.  I know I am an adult, and I am supposed to care, and have opinions, and be educated in order to cast an educated vote, but with every awful news story I find myself feeling more and more helpless.  The world has pretty much always been in a state of turmoil.  There have always been bad people, there has always been at least two countries at war, there is always at least one economy near collapse; there has NOT always been a gazillion media conglomerates with the technology to instantly share all that bad news and make money off it. 


There are babies being born and doing cute things every day and yet for some reason the only time I see a baby in the news is if it has disappeared, been brutally killed, or popped out the vagina of a celebrity.  I can't see that shit without getting sick to my stomach.  I want to see pictures of healthy babies that were born to normal people...I know they are out there.

There are couples getting married every day...happy couples, that actually love each other, and don't have a movie premiering this Friday.  I would like to see some happy love stories.

Not all guys going through divorces murder their families and kill themselves, but you would think so if you read the news.  I want more stories like this: I just happened to stumble on this story because in my haste to exit out of the headlines page, after a third horrifying story flashed across the screen, I clicked on this.

I can't take it anymore.  I don't care if I end up sounding like an uneducated moron and vote for an idiot (which is pretty much a given, regardless of who I vote for).  Here is what I plan to do (because after all, news is a business and consumer driven and not watching the 6 o'clock or buying newspapers didn't stop it from creeping into my life) I am going to change my default log in page from MSN to igoogle and I am only going to allow things like: the weather, sports, inspirational quotes, news from Disney, or pictures of puppies.  If I read any news at all it will be from .   I will no longer see the horrible headlines, which should keep me from being horrified all day, thinking about them.  I won't go to yahoo or aol, and any of my Facebook friends that post links to things that are awful, I will hide from my view.

I know the world is not all football, magic, and pixie dust, but damnit, I want it to be.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

tell yours

I got an email tonight requesting information on how to start a blog.  This is the third of the sort in the past few weeks, and the fifth or so overall, so I thought I would do a "how to." 

For starters, if you are doing a personal blog, like mine, ask yourself "Am I really ready to face my own reality, be honest with the world, and own who I am?"  This isn't so important if your blog is about scrapbooking, knitting, or pictures of cats.  Blogging is journaling, and if it's fake your readers will figure it out really quick.  Not only will your readers figure it out, but you will, and you will lose's just too damn hard to keep it up when you are trying to be something you aren't (like funny all the time).  I fight that now, as I try to balance being real and honest with being too open.  When I start writing about random stuff (like flinging poo, for instance) and leave out the personal stuff, I free myself from having to answer questions and face realities that I sometimes would rather not.  I also cheat myself, and my readers, of the good stuff...the stuff that binds us all together, makes us human, and makes us real.  Ultimately, writing about life enables me to see it in a better light, which helps others, who can identify in some way.  Some days I answer the question with "Nope, not today..." and that is ok, but if the answer for you is "Nope, not ever..." then find yourself a nice leather bound journal that you can keep on your bedside table.  When your answer is "Ok, I think I can..." proceed.

I happen to like no surprise there...but there are others.  For me blogger was easy.  It is pretty user friendly, when they aren't trying to update it, and it walks you through, step by step.  You can start writing a few minutes after setting up.  You will need a Gmail account, but the rest is up to you.  You can set up a profile, or not.  There are all kinds of pre-made templates that you can choose from and customize or you can make your own.  If you are a writer, and not an artist, the templates are great.  If you are creating a professional blog you may want to take it to the next level, but for personal ones, I say: sign on, pick one you like, and start writing.

The next step is determining who, if anyone, you want to know about and read your blog.  I have three blogs, two are private.  Originally one of the other two I had set up for a few people to read, but I have since closed is my daily pour my heart and soul out, no editing, no holds, balls to the wall, diary, and also serves to house the many posts that have been deleted off of this one (that I refer to as "the crazy blog").  The third is my "dream" blog.  It houses ideas, dreams, thoughts, stories, questions, and ramblings.  Account settings are VERY important if you don't want random strangers reading your stuff.  With Blogger (and I couldn't tell you how it works with others, but I gotta assume very much the same) you can have it open, closed, or custom.  With the custom you can allow only certain people (and you have to put in their email addresses) or only blog authors (again I think you have to put in their email) or both.  The custom is great if you are just starting and want input from a few people, but want to control who those people are.  I would also suggest the closed in the beginning, just so you can get the hang of posting, editing, etc.  You would be surprised how brilliant you think you are when you are typing away at 2 a.m. only to come back the next day and think "Oh dear God, why did I write that?! and what the hell point was I trying to make?"

If you want to start a professional, political, business, or technical blog you probably want to keep things modest.  Stay away from curly fonts, crazy or trendy colors (unless your blog is about fashion or trends) and off color language.  If your blog is just ranting about being a single mom feeling completely out of place in a crazy world that spins way faster than you think it should, go crazy...bright colors, random fonts, a few f-bombs...or not...the point is, it's your blog, make it yours, but if you are trying to win voters or make money, play it safe.

Regarding a name...big sigh.  A name can make or break your blog.  I admit, I read, or don't read, blogs JUST because they have, or don't have, cool names...what keeps me reading is if they make me laugh, cry, think, or change...but I'm sure there are plenty out there I never gave the chance because it was titled something like "My Thoughts on Life."  I happen to be a fan of geographical names (ya think?) because they clue you in to where they take place, and plays on the writers name are good too...if you want your name out there.  Don't let not being able to figure out a name hold you back from writing, despite how important it may be down the road.  A name can always be changed or added.  Start writing, worry about the name later.

Not just the name, but the format, style, layout...everything can be changed.  Don't let perfection paralysis stand in your way.  When I started I just wrote.  I had a few stories in my head that I wanted to get down on paper and MiMi suggested I start online; I didn't even know what a blog was at the time.  I googled it when I got home from my session that day and that is what led me to Blogger.  I think there were 3 templates to choose from at the time.  The name came after the second or third post...telling people (Smash) came a few weeks later...telling the world (ok, my little tiny corner of it) came about a year after that.

Starting, and continuing, my blog has been a great way for me to process my thoughts, tell my stories, face my own fears, keep in touch with others, and create.  There have been a few bumps in the road, and it is nothing if not humbling, but I highly recommend it. 

Everyone has a story...tell yours.


Monday, October 17, 2011

flinging poo

Yesterday, as I was driving home from picking up the Pea, I came up behind a white pick-up truck.  This was a nice looking truck, not a beat up work truck.  It had some black vinyl letters across the back of the tail gate, in a fancy script, that as I got closer I was able to read. 

"No Flinging Poo"

At first I laughed, but then I was kind of perplexed, it got me thinking.

The owner of this vehicle went to some lengths to put this on the truck.  This wasn't a "wash me" written in the dirt, or a bumper sticker.  These were cut vinyl, which I know, from my brief stint working at a sign shop, take some effort, planning, and money.  WHY?

We live in a fairly rural area in NC, but NEVER in all my years here have I ever encountered any one flinging poo.  Matter of fact the only time I have ever witnessed it at all was in the monkey habitat at the zoo, and as far as I know, monkeys can't read, so making a sign would be a waste of time.

Was this some sort of metaphor or inside joke? 

I dunno...but I thought I would share...and in case any of you have encountered so much flinging of poo that you felt you needed a sign, on your vehicle, in big, bold, black, letters I feel for ya...I'm sorry.  I must live a rather blessed life cuz I have just never felt the need.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

good morning! good morning! good morning!

So I started my morning, after I smooched The Boy (yes, we have progressed to smooching) and had some coffee, by reading this:  and while I didn't actually DO any of the things he suggested, it did get me kind of fired up to start the day, and write, and even though it hasn't lead to much writing, I must say I LOVE my new writing area.  It is in a corner of my bedroom (which is on the second story of my house) in front of a window.  The other night it was nice and cozy, with my little lamp on, and all my cool stuff surrounding me, but today it is much more fun.  As I type I can look out the window and spy on see my neighbors in their yards, watch the kids play, and see all the trees, which are starting to change color. 

It is an absolutely gorgeous day.  Perfect fall weather, and I love fall.  The only thing that could make this moment any better is a pumpkin doughnut.  I have a nice steamy cup of coffee, but a doughnut would do nicely right about now.

The Pea is with her dad, and my plan for the day is to finish the project I started about a million years ago, the clearing out and organizing of my house.  I got a good jump start on the remnants that I had stashed in the guest bedroom last week when I was forced to clear out the room so my Aunt could sleep in it, and now I am finally tackling it.  Well, I'm GOING to tackle it, as soon as I get off the computer...and run to Dunkin Donuts...and Target...and...

Well, I will let you know how it goes.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

arrrgghh has been a whole week.  A lot has happened.  Nothing earth shattering or terribly exciting, but lots of little things that kept me busy (and off the computer).  I had visitors this weekend, family from up north, which was awesome.  The Pea very much enjoyed having other adults to entertain (it helped they brought gifts) and interact with.  I had another few dates with The Boy.  I had to spend a day out of town at a class for work.  The Pea had an open house at her school.  I was finally able to catch up with Dude...and now that I am typing it, it all seems way less busy than it did at the time.  Somehow a whole week flew by and yet in just a few sentences I have recapped.

Huh...well then.

One of the things I did last week was make myself a fancy new writing area in my bedroom, complete with a desk, chair, lamp, and assorted "inspirational" items (like my "bitter with baggage seeks same" sign, and "where are we going and why am I in this handbasket?" coaster) and now I have writers block.  Maybe I should have just stuck with sitting in bed with my laptop on my lap?

Maybe gearing up for Halloween next week will result in something good to share (I actually bought stuff to decorate the house and the Pea and I are going to be pirates!).  Until then...a little look back...hopefully we don't end up with the littlest pissed off pirate that ever there was.

Monday, November 2, 2009


I started Halloween by getting yelled at in the parking lot of a Dunkin Donuts by a woman with no teeth. Well, ok, she had SOME teeth, just not the ones in the front. Not sure exactly why she was yelling at me either, something to the effect of "I'll be out of your way in a minute, damn!" and as far as I was concerned she wasn't even in my way. I was minding my own business, trying to get the Pea out of her car seat and she was getting out of her car next to me...anyway, I went home and flossed...then brushed...then flossed again. I couldn't eat any candy after that either cuz all I could think of was that scary woman yelling at me and me just wanting her to shut her mouth. Of course, I would prolly be in general pissed off all the time if I had no teeth.

Speakin' of pissed off, the Pea ended up being the teeny tiniest most pissed off pumpkin that ever was, later that night. The Pea was a pumpkin for Halloween, and for some reason, a rather irritated one. She wanted to head out about 4pm and when I wouldn't let her she got pissed and stayed that way, there were a few bright spots through the night, but an overall air of pissedoffedness, that coming from less than 30lbs of baby girl, was just plain funny. Dancergirl and her little guy came over, we all had dinner together and then we set out for trick or treating. After a few houses the Pea decided she was done and headed for home, leaving the three of us stunned, and then me running after her. When we got home I thought she would enjoy handing out candy. Instead, whenever someone came to the house she rolled her eyes, stomped to the front door, pointed to the bowl, said "it's right there!" and then left them, a bit stunned, and stomped back to her perch on a bar stool in the kitchen, where she scowled at me while I talked on the phone to Smash.

Sunday was a lazy day for the most part, although we did head to Betty's for the afternoon game and dinner. Luckily by then the Pea was back to her usual happy self, and we had a nice night. This morning I have been fighting to stay motivated to do anything other than go back to bed...I do have to go assemble goodie bags for the Pea's birthday party, and now that I think about it will go do, and since I don't have anything more to report, or anything all that interesting, I will leave you with last years post about goodie boxes...

and then I will go floss again...just for good measure.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I am so over the ridiculous Outrageous emails.  I like the concept, but they are just tedious and boring.  I DO, however, really like the website that I got the whole outrageous email thing from so I will continue to check it.  One of the essays on the site today was "If the world ended tomorrow, what would you do tonight?"

Something to think about.

Obviously for the sake of the exercise you actually KNOW it is going to end, because if you didn't you would do exactly what you do any other night and not give it a second thought, but there are plenty of people whose worlds have ended, usually by accident, but sometimes because of a freak medical thing, the day after an ordinary day.  So I guess what may be a more important question (cuz lets face it, if we knew there was an asteroid or something headed our way it would be chaos and I for one would be hunkered down in my house, hopefully surrounded by people I loved, looking at old photos, drinking heavily, and squeezing my kid) is: do you end every day at peace with the fact that it may have been your last?

Do the people you love know you love them?  Were you kind and thoughtful or is there someone out there whom you owe an apology? Have you accomplished enough in this life to let yourself be happy right here, right now?  I think it is safe to say all of us wish we could do more, have more, live more, see more, experience more, and love more, and God willing we will, but what if we don't get that luxury?

I know I could be a better parent, a better friend, a better employee, I could keep my house cleaner (a monkey could keep my house cleaner than I do), I could be in better shape and be more fashionable, but I'm happy just the way I am, and most days I do the best I can with what I have that day.  Some days I feel like superwoman and my house is clean, my kid clean, I look and feel great...other days I'm happy to make it to work with pants on and remember to brush my hair, but EVERY DAY my kid feels loved, and I feel lucky.

Tonight all I could muster for dinner was macaroni and cheese, the Pea didn't get a bath, my house is trashed, and I didn't finish the project I'm working on at work...I DID, however, talk to Smash and tell her I love her, go to yoga, and tuck my kiddo into bed, where she promptly fell asleep because she felt safe, secure, and loved...If the world ended tomorrow, I'm ok with what I did tonight. 

Monday, October 3, 2011


Yesterday's "outrageous" email was "Do you like to party?" uhm, do fish live in water?  What is your point?  Well, as she went on to explain, life should be all about partying.  Not real parties, which involve booze and debauchery, but rather, little celebrations of all your successes, even the little ones.  Ok, live life to the fullest, enjoy it, I got it...and then she somehow switched gears, made a crazy right hand turn, and next thing I know she is talking about language and how using positive versus negative can impact your perception.  Wha? Seems to me two different concepts and by smashing them together you have just overloaded my brain and pissed me off...which, coincidentally brings me to the title of today's email "OMG, I am so pissed..."  Oooh, yay, maybe a little less hokey.  Nope, not so much...matter of fact, so much hokeyness (pretty sure that is not a word, whatever) that instead of trying to regurgitate for you her point (which she took so damn long to get to that I really WAS pissed by the end) I am just going to list a few things that piss me off.

For starters, long rambling emails that talk in circles and use lots of BOLD and CAPITAL and EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!!!! and end up stating a point or concept that could be far better received with a few, well said, words or phrases.

School fundraisers.  Yup, the Pea came home with her first, of I'm sure a zillion, pamphlets filled with overpriced crap that guilt you into buying (because if you don't, you are a bad parent and OBVIOUSLY don't value education) and get your kid all excited about the possibility of winning some jack-ass toy or prize.  I could go to Walmart (and we know how much I love going there) buy both the thing they are selling and the stupid prize she could win if she sells a zillion dollars worth, AND give the school the $20 they will make is she does sell a zillion, and we would all be better off.  Hate 'em.

Food that is no where near healthy, not even close, that is marketed towards kids and labeled in a way that makes it SEEM healthy.  For instance, Fruit Loops NOW have whole grains and fiber...therefor are a part of a nutritious breakfast.  Bull.  Shit.  The amount of sugar in a single fruit loop is enough to induce a diabetic coma and the amount of fiber is negligible, and sorry, no, having a whole grain or two in the mix doesn't mean it's good for you.  Oh, and another one: "All natural" just because it is natural does not mean it is a good idea to put it in your body...cocaine is natural...arsenic and bleach are too.

I'll end my little rant with this one: Dunkin Donuts that don't sell doughnuts...I can't begin to explain how much this pisses me off.  I'm sorry but if you have DONUT in your name you MUST SELL DOUGHNUTS.  I realize that the whole "America Runs on Dunkin" is about marketing your coffee, and you make more money off selling coffee than you do selling little crack cakes, but when I am craving a pumpkin doughnut, and I see a very recognizable sign that indicates there are going to be those little pieces of heaven inside, and I pull off the road, park my car, walk inside and find ONLY... coffee...well.  They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, but I say "hell hath no fury like me, when I want a damn doughnut."

Saturday, October 1, 2011


The one great thing that came out of the Break-Up Guide was: it got me writing.  Every day it gave me something to think about, write about, and DO.  I have started another 30 day "guide" in hopes that it too will get me thinking, and get me writing.

I stumbled on this website (and this is the page that today's email directed me to):  and at the bottom came a pop up to subscribe to 30 days toward outrageous thinking, so I did.  So far the emails have been a little hokey, but the message is good, and I am on board.  The "assignment" this weekend is to do ONE thing for someone act of quote the email:

You don't have to save the world to do your part. One kind word or even a smile goes a long way. (It doesn't even have to be someone you "know")

Pay attention to the people you meet this week. Be aware of all the opportunities you have to put out just a little more love than you do normally.

I am also gonna share a little quote that I like, that I sometimes read to myself when I am feeling like I am not doing what it is I should be in this life...when I am feeling like a failure, or like I am not good enough...when someone else's accomplishment makes me sad for myself instead of happy for them...when I need to remind myself that success is relative, and comes in many ways:

To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden know even ONE life has breathed easier because you have lived.  This is to have succeeded. - Emerson

So join me, on this little journey, and who knows, maybe in 30 days we will all be changed for the better...OR we will all be bored to death and I will start another 30 day guide, with each day being a link to a better, funnier blog.