Friday, July 24, 2009

I am totally over the breakup guide...Booya is off in happy fun rebound land, and I have taken to Match (which I am now calling like a duck to water. The only things left on the breakup guide that look awesome are Day 25: Masturbate, and Day 30: Move on.

So, I have Match date #1 tomorrow...looking forward to first real date in a million years. Super smarty me didn't give him my phone number either, so there will be no blow off by text...mooohahahahahaaa. I figure instead of giving nicknames right off the bat and using all the good ones before finding a keeper I would just refer to my dates by #...if I get into triple digits, shoot, not really, but a good knock upside the head will probably be in are all hereby given permission.

If I had any idea how much fun would be I would have done it so much really is like dress shopping at gotta weed through a TON of seconds, rejects, defects, and wrong sizes, but when you find a good one it is so exciting you nearly pee. So far I have had email conversations with three guys who are really great (online...which reminds me of that country song and makes me laugh out loud)...I almost don't want to meet them in person for fear of blowing my happy little fantasies right out the water. I said ALMOST...I am getting hornier by the hour.

Good thing it is almost Day 25.

1 comment:

  1. Dr Cox was so correct in what he said the other night about his friend. There is so many Nutters out there it is scary. But "She's a Nice Lady!"
